Apply the just made changes to the Image window in order that you can see the result. The action of this button can be reversed by the Cancel button. Default negatively charged are DE. Default positively charged are HKR. Default hydrophyllic are STYDENQHKRC. Default hydrophobic are PMAVLIFW. Used to calculate the presence of protons. Unused in this release. Unused in this release. pH has an influence on the presence of protons. You can type or paste a sequence there which will be build on the image window. Apply the above values to the actual image. The action of this button can be Canceled. This value can also be changed dynamically with Cmd-Down Arrow when the current structure contains an electron density map. This value can also be changed dynamically with Cmd-Up Arrow when the current structure contains an electron density map. You are asked to enter a number there. Will take any file types into account. Not available in the released version. Not available in the released version. Not available in the released version. Not available in the released version. Not available in the released version. The list of files taken into account during batch processes will be given. Check this to list the files taken into account during batch processes. Only refined structures located in the 'Batch Fldr' will be taken into account for batch processes. Check this if you want that only refined structures located in the 'Batch Fldr' will be taken into account for batch procesess. Above this resolution, structures will not be taken into account in batch processes. Only structures located in the 'Batch Fldr' and solved at a resolution better or equal to the one indicated will be taken into account for batch processes. Check this if you want to impose a resolution constraint on files located in the 'Batch Fldr' that are to be taken into account for batch processes. Open a new atom info dialog related to the second clashed atom. Open a new atom info dialog related to the first clashed atom. Open a new atom info dialog related to the I-bonded atom. Open a new atom info dialog related to the third H-bonded atom. Open a new atom info dialog related to the second H-bonded atom. Open a new atom info dialog related to the first H-bonded atom. Open a new atom info dialog related to SS-bonded atom. Open a new atom info dialog related to the third next atom. Open a new atom info dialog related to the second next atom. Open a new atom info dialog related to the first next atom. Open a new atom info dialog related to the preceding atom. Open a new atom info dialog related to the preceding preceding atom. Rotates one set of atoms around the selected atom and calculate the energetical changes. Not available because the folder 'FoldIt Prefs' has not been found in the System folder. Rotates one set of atoms around the selected atom and calculate the energetical changes. Recalculates the structure according to the changes which have been made. You MUST CLICK on this button to put this window (actually a dialog) in background without disposing it. I'm very sorry that I don't master modeless dialogs!!!! Name of the second clashed atom. Name of the first clashed atom. Name of the I-bonded atom. Name of the third H-bonded atom. Name of the second H-bonded atom. Name of the first H-bonded atom.